SYSTEM Gen Diary – Newdawn Saga 1 – EPUB


Across Time

A Different World

With No Place For Me

I am Gen. It was not what we had planned, but nothing rarely is. While I didn’t want to leave as I did, there was not much choice. The others were already peacefully in the Cryo Chamber inside the void. I didn’t get the cozy departure. Instead, the attack came upon us brutally, and I jumped inside the pod before everything blew up. My last thoughts… What the hell. When I wake up, if I wake up, I will be swept away into a different life.

I will find myself at another time… 2098, in Ang city. HellNet, did you ever think you could be somewhere in the future where there is almost no limit to what one human can do? I sure never did! Welcome to my life. It’s bound to become even weirder.

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