
In our NEWDAWN Life we have quite a few things going on. We are fortunate to be connected with a lot of creative types who wish to contribute to a better future. They come in all shapes and fields, from other writers to futurists, scientists, techno guru and innovators who want to share their experiences and form a community of NEWDAWNERS. This is more important than ever as we reach for new advances in science and technology which will shape our world. One of our passions is safeguarding our planet and all of its species!

Tesh at the Cannes Series
Tesh at Cannes series Opnening Night
Tesh at the Cannes Series
Tesh, actress at Newdawn At Cannes Series
Tesh At the Cannes Series
Tesh, actress walking the pink carpet
Tesh at the Cannes Series
Tesh, Actress on Newdawn saga series
Cannes Series at the Palais des Festivals, Cannes France
Cannes Series Opening Night
Cannes Series Opening Night
Dominique Luchart with Actresses Aneen and Filmmaker Tahani
Dominique Luchart at Cannes Series 2024
Dominique Luchart, author of newdawn and filmmaker at Cannes Series
Dominique Luchart at Cannes Series with Film Actor Abdullah ALMagrabi
Dominique Luchart with Actor Abdullah ALMagrabi